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Thursday, May 14, 2009

New fixes, new features - new build (Helicon Ape

HeliconTech team is ready to present a report regarding the latest build of Helicon Ape
We are grateful to our customers who greatly assist us in bug-catching.

So, our achievements in are:
- new functionality: possibility to register Helicon Ape for specific sites/applications in Helicon Manager;
- implementation of special environment variable (on_auth_create_user) used to create ASP.NET request context user after successful basic or digest authentication (this capability may be useful if you need to know the user that has authenticated via basic or digest authentication but you don't use ASP.NET native authentication);
- case-insensitive map files processing (RewriteMap mapfile txt:mapfile.txt [NC]);
- fixed CacheStorePrivate directive processing;
- fixes for authz_groupfile_module and groups file processing.

We wish you successful testing of our freshest build and hope you'll be satisfied with it.

HeliconTech Team